Ruiz-Larrea presents co-responsible architecture at the Barcelona Architecture Festival MODEL

The company opens the first interactive installation on this new architectural formula, which can be visited from Monday to Saturday between April 20 and 30.


20/03/2023. Ruiz-Larrea Arquitectura (RL) will show the arquitectura corresponsable with the inauguration of an interactive installation in the framework of the Barcelona Architecture Festival MODEL 2023, which takes place from April 20 to 30 in Barcelona. In this way, Ruiz-Larrea raises its commitment to innovative and sustainable architecture that responds to the real needs of a plural, diverse and inclusive society.

The installation, which is open to the general public, can be visited without prior reservation from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays during MODEL. Ruiz-Larrea's team will welcome interested parties who wish to see the installation, developed by the R_lab research laboratory and in whose assembly Escofet and Cementos Molins have collaborated as suppliers.

"It is a source of pride to be part of one of the most important architectural exhibitions in the country. And even more so, with an avant-garde proposal, which responds to a changing society that demands healthy, wholesome and fully accessible spaces for all people, regardless of their condition or abilities."Fernando Gil, partner and COO of the company, explained

"We have turned the design of spaces around to make them more inclusive, safer and livable. Why do we design for only one type of family? When did we forget that personal safety is important when it comes to enjoying a space? Is it so hard to make homes that evolve according to the life stage of their inhabitants? These are the questions we are going to answer with this interactive installation."Gil, co-promoter of the Barcelona Architecture Week, now transformed into MODEL, pointed out.


Co-responsible architecture takes a step further previous conceptions such as the gender perspective or universal accessibility. The new design method combines these guidelines in a working matrix that includes bioclimatism, cognitive accessibility or the ability to reconfigure spaces according to changes in the family or the motor and intellectual evolution of individuals.

In this way, architecture responds to the new social, personal and family realities with solutions such as open kitchens that prevent the isolation of individuals by gender or roles; rooms of the same size that avoid the hierarchization of space adults-children; or accesses, garages and storage rooms without corners and open to natural light that favor both real security and the perceived sense of security, among other strategies.

The co-responsible architecture adopts a strong commitment to the sustainable construction and the radical reduction of energy demand. This commitment stems from the necessary intergenerational pact that must guarantee the environmental health of new spaces as a tool to combat the effects of climate change.


Ruiz-Larrea Arquitectura is a leading company in architectural innovation and sustainability, internationally recognized for its new construction, rehabilitation and asset transformation projects. It is a pioneer in the development and application of new sustainable and industrialized building systems, radical reduction of energy demand and healthy and responsible architecture.

Ruiz-Larrea has signed works such as the new corporate and logistics headquarters of the airline Vueling in Viladecans and at El Prat airport; the new headquarters of the multinational pharmaceutical company Sanofi in Barcelona; the current headquarters and audiovisual production center of Movistar+ (Madrid), the National Center for Renewable Energy (Pamplona), the Andalusian Energy Agency (Seville), the transformation of the Cibeles Tower of the Bank of Spain, the luxury hotel The Madrid EDITION, the reform of the Palace Hotel in Madrid (in progress). In addition, Ruiz-Larrea has developed numerous new housing projects, build to rent, affordable public housing and sustainable coliving, such as the developments with Passivhaus criteria in Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona), the industrialized project Manubuild, the residential Madrid 0'0 (nZEB, BREEAM), the residential Adelfas 98 (BREEAM) or Carabanchel 34 (Passivhaus).


More information, interviews or images:

Ángel Calleja, director de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales / +34 671 150 201