


Cornellà, Barcelona. España



Eninter's new technology center is part of the innovative pulse of a leading company in its sector that needed a space that could accommodate its R&D department, an essential area in its growth policy.

The intervention is projected over an area of 500 square meters, choosing the second floor of Eninter's corporate headquarters, in the industrial belt of Barcelona. In this location, the Technology Center gains access from the main staircase, giving it the importance it deserves, as well as gaining additional access via a secondary staircase.

The new space, originally compartmentalized, completely changes its use. The demolition of all the existing elements gives way to an almost diaphanous floor plan that effectively takes advantage of the entry of sunlight to reduce energy consumption. Lighting, supplies and ventilation equipment are renewed and upgraded for maximum efficiency, including workstations with presence detectors to control the switching on and off of specific lighting.

The striking green louvred roof gives the Technology Center its own personality and enhances the company's corporate identity. The horizontal arrangement of the wave-shaped louvers creates a sense of dynamism and order, while at the same time serving an acoustic function by reducing noise propagation in an area where concentration is a highly valued factor.

As for the program of uses, the meeting room welcomes you after the access control. The space is divided into two areas separated by booths that offer the necessary privacy for calls, conferences or work requiring high concentration. The second zone, which can be partitioned by movable partitions, allows the creation of 1 to 3 different spaces with independent accesses depending on the projects being developed.

The office, independent to guarantee isolation from the work area in terms of noise and odors, completes the service area.

In short, this is a project that provides Eninter with the necessary tools to continue its commitment to research and industrial innovation.